We Believe

ChurchA church is more than just a simple place to welcome God into your home and your life. It is a place that should also give you a total sense of security in every way. You should feel better about the community you live in, the world you are a part of, and the neighbors that you walk past each day. Many churches are able to provide this overall sense of being a part of something great, but none more so than Elmwood Chapel and others like it.

What You Will Find in a Church

Church Welcoming NeighborsWhen was the last time you truly felt as though you were not alone? When you find the right church, you will discover a congregation that truly wants you to feel welcomed into their family. They will not care about your past, where you come from, or who you may be. They will simply want to teach you about God and the Bible. This will enable you to grow socially, spiritually, and more.

As an added bonus for you, you will discover a place that you can go to worship without judgment or fear and where you can help your community become a better place for all. This is because many churches today get out into the community to try and help others. Can you think of a better experience than to be a part of something truly good?

It’s a Community Affair

Church Helping CommunityWhat would you do if your neighbors home burned to the ground? Most people, as individuals, would feel as though they could only help so much. However, if you are a part of a church, it becomes the job of the entire congregation to help out that family when they need it the most.
Prayers, money, supplies, and more can all be found within the church for those who need it the most. A family that has fallen on hard times because of injury or some other problem, can turn toward those who devote their lives to being good citizens. A park that is run down and dirty can be saved by the church and its devoted Christians. Food drives for homeless is also a popular thing for churches to get involved with because it helps those people who have nothing.

Are You Ready to Feel the Love?

God is all around us. We have only to look around and allow him to come into our lives and our hearts. To make it easier for you to discover what blessings God provides, you can attend a sermon and then take your knowledge out into the world where you can do good for all.
Most churches have sermons Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evening, with other times for special events or occasions. You do not have to attend all the sermons. Your presence is not required, but it is a joyful thing for all to see that you have arrived there. Are you ready to walk into the open arms of the church?